Archive | May, 2013

Tassel Garland Pin Party

27 May

We just had a little tassel garland pin party and thought we would share the love, inspiration and glitter we have just discovered! You may be aware that we are now stocking some stunning tissue garlands. Not so long ago we created our first tassel garland for a 4th birthday disco party.


I loved the instant colourful impact it made on the dessert table I created, but couldn’t believe the time it took to actually create! And as you can see from my version above, it isn’t as pretty and fluffy as the other versions around.

Since then we decided to stock a range of homemade tissue tassel garlands on our website by a paper crafting expert! They not only look AMAZING they have been lovingly crafted with excellent quality tissue.

My favourite garlands have a mixture of textures including mylar and tissue. They really make the garlands pop! We had a little pin party earlier and pinned loads of inspiration on our Pinterest board. If you have a moment go and check it out. In the meantime here is a little snapshot of the inspiration….


Tissue Garland Inspiration


Have a wonderful week xxx

April Instagram Monthly Round Up

13 May

Just popping in to say HI! I’m a few days behind schedule in sharing my favourite Instagram photos for April. OK, if I am entirely honest they are my only photos from April (it’s been a busy month!).

We have had lots of new products arrive at The Sweet Hostess in April and we have been busy taking photos, creating descriptions and uploading to our website and eBay shop. Some of those products are our new mini milk bottles which you can see in our round up photo. How cute are they? We have sold hundreds in April and May and now completely sold out! More stock to arrive in next week…..

We also ran our first competition on facebook. After much research I actually discovered facebook do not allow you to run competitions or giveaways unless it is run through an official app (which of course costs money!!!), but I decided to run one anyway. Luckily they didn’t close down my page (I see loads of people run giveaways anyway!). We had a selection of colours available including the green and blue listed here!

And lastly was a photo taken of the amazing dessert from my birthday dinner. Banana macaroon and toffee popcorn. It was simply divine and such a treat!

Happy May xx
